1/2-MILITARY STATIONARY SATELLITE Sicral-1B as a new research object from the THINK-TANK DXSATCS located on the geocentric orbit λ=11.8°E,belonging to the MINISTRY OF DEFENCE of the ITALIAN REPUBLIC by providing connectivity between military units of NATO
author : Roman Dávid_founder of Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club - Think-Tank at www.dxsatcs.com
authors synopsis for the following news : updated : 30.11.2012
1/2-MILITARY STATIONARY SATELLITE Sicral 1B as a new research object from the Think-Tank dxsatcs located
on the geocentric orbit λ=11.8°E,belonging to the Ministry of defence of the Italian Republic by providing
connectivity between military units of NATO
Mr.Roman Dávid as the author designed and installed system for the range of KA band from 20 200 to 21 200 MHz with a secondary
radiant with D = 300 cm positioned at 11.8° e
Roman Dávid - author & founder