►►Astra 3B-λ=23.5°E-KA band reception : orbital location , coverage , polarisation , transponders ...
KA band satellite reception : the spectrum of the -V- vector in the range from 21 400 to 21 650 MHz the spectrum of the horizontal vector in the range from 5 to 50 mhz
►Astra 3B-23.5°e : orbital location , coverage , polarisation , transponders / source : SES Astra - SES proprietary and confidential
►Astra 3B-23.5°e-beacon frequency : 20 199 MHz _ 1x Beacon frequency in the part of the -V- spectrum from 19.2 to 20.2 GHz
20 199 MHz -V-pol. : Astra 3B beacon frequency for KA band / SPAN 5 MHz
► Video demo -
Astra 3B:KA band beacon frequency Astra 3B:KA band beacon frequency Astra 3B:KA band beacon frequency
SPAN 200 kHz SPAN 500 kHz SPAN 1 MHz
►Astra 3B-23.5°e : komentár autora Romana Dávida
Výskumný projekt č.1 / KA pásmo :
Referenčné hodnoty zisku G pre paraboly s priemerom od 180 do 450 cm v KA pásme
Astra 3B-23.5°E : Data pakety provajdera Aol ai. v spektre KA pásma od 21,4 do 22 GHz
Autor analyzuje spektrum lineárnych vektorov V+H od 21,4 do 22 GHz a zároveň definuje referenčné
hladiny zisku derivované od prakticky ideálneho stavu kvality (LM=10+ dB pri EIRP=55 dBW) na výstupe
z referenčného radiantu Prodelin 4.5m,pre dátové pakety provajdera AoL ai. v spektre KA pásma
objektu Astra 3B na λ =23.5°vd .Objekt Astra 3B sa hlási na geostacionárnej dráhe pomocou Beacon
identifikátora na fb=20 199 MHz_V podobne ako je tomu pri objekte Astra 4A na λ =4,8° vd,ktorý sa
identifikuje vo zväzku Interconnect/Interactive na Beacon frekvencii fb=19 300 MHz v horizontálnej časti
spektra,čiže nie v aktívne vyťažovanej časti frekvenčného spektra KA pásma okolo f=21,5 GHz.
►►Astra 3B-23.5°E-KA band reception : the HF string , footprint , geographical location ...
geographical location of the measurement in the KA band | N48°19719' , E19°40148' , Lučenec,Slovak republic |
secondary radiant -D- | PRODELIN 4.5m AZ/EL RxO 1451 (4096-345) |
HF system | original proposal for linear vectors |
LNB for KA band nr.1 | PLL Norsat 9000 HD-3F,L.O.stability +/- 60 kHz,NF=1,6 dB,range 21 200-22 200 MHz |
LNB for KA band nr.2 | DRO Norsat 880-9000 CF,L.O.stability +/-1 MHz,NF=1,6 dB,range 20 200-21 200 MHz |
Analyzed frequency spectrum + polarisation | 20 199-22 200 MHz / linear H+V |
Field strenght meters | Televes H60 Advanced , Rover DM16 4HD Digimax , TBS 5925 , Unaohm AP 201 S+ |
►Installed dish / secondary radiant [D] : PRODELIN 4.5m AZ/EL RxO 1451 (4096-345) _ N48°19719' , E19°40148' , Lučenec , Slovak republic
►Astra 3B-23.5°e : KA band footprint-beam-coverage , linear V+H , geographical location of the measurement by Google
Astra 3B-European-KA band footprint measurement: N48°19719' , E19°40148'
►►Astra 3B-23.5°E-KA band reception : analysis of the V+H spectrum and the identified packets
►The complete range of the -V- vector in the KA band from 21 400 to 21 700 MHz
►The complete range of the -H- vector in the KA band from 21 700 to 22 000 MHz
►Astra 3B-23.5°E-KA band analysis : the analysis of the quality and quantification of packets (current status)
the weather conditions : cloudy weather
►21 465 MHz_V : DVB-S2/ACM/VCM DATA
►►Astra 3B-23.5°E: a list of the locked carrier frequencies
►►►ASTRA 3B-23.5°E-KA band satellite reception-footprint-analysis : copyright
that come exclusively from scientific research conducted by Roman Dávid - the author and the owner of All the information found on are protected by copyright as a part of intangible property and are protected by EU law and Slovak national legislation. Usage, copying
and distribution of any information or its parts without author's permission is strictly prohibited.
činnosti autora Roman Dávida z oblasti vlnovej fyziky a VF techniky a spadajú do jeho duševného vlastníctva,ktoré je chránené zákonmi
Európskej únie a Slovenskej republiky .Ich celkové alebo čiastočné kopírovanie, imitovanie alebo distribúcia bez súhlasu autora je výslovne zakázaná
z dôvodu výhradného vlastníctva autorom .
author : Roman Dávid_founder of the Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club_Think-Tank © Lučenec 2015 / Slovak republic