7-2-2024-Canal+ Afrique on SES 4 at 22°W : 11 171 MHz-Voir+ Afrique_How is the lowest EIRP power intensity from the first 4 transponders of the West Africa diagram demonstrated in continuous signal monitoring in the geographical region of Central Europe ?
The Center for Scientific and Research Activities in the matter
of satellite reception of the TV network Canal+ Afrique
from the SES 4 satellite at 22°W in the Central European region
by the author Roman Dávid from Lučenec
CanalSatellite Horizons-Canalsat Afrique-Canal+ Afrique
SES 4 at 22.0°W_West Africa footprint
10 986 > 11 051 > 11 111 > 11 171 MHz _ V
PF 450 cm:Visualized proving verified in the minimum monitoring unit t=72 hours
( Last update date: 7.2.2024 )
in der geografischen Region Mitteleuropa demonstriert?
SK_Ako sa najnižšia intenzita výkonu EIRP z prvých štyroch transpondérov diagramu západná Afrika demonštruje v kontinuálnom signálnom monitoringu
v zemepisnej oblasti stredná Európa ?