Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2/Multistream technology-PF Prodelin 450 cm : Applied technology for reception in the KU band _ TT&C , measuring C/N levels , spectral penetration etc
Centre for satellite reception of Multistream technology in DVB-S2 standard
Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine
Center of DVB-S2/S2X Multistream technology
Eutelsat 5 West B-5.0°W-Transalpine : 11 013 MHz > 12 732 MHz
Applied technology for reception in the KU band
Note : In this scientific and research center, the functionality of a technological process and invention called Synchronous Nanocorrections,
authored by Roman Dávid from Lučenec, is systematically proven, and it is also the only place where you can encounter the benefits of this technology.
Upozornenie : V tomto vedecko-výskumnom centre sa systematicky dokazuje funkcia technologického postupu a vynálezu s názvom
"Synchrónne nanokorekcie", od jej autora Romana Dávida z Lučenca a je to zároveň jediné miesto kde sa s výhodami tejto technológie môžete stretnúť
( Last update date: 29.11.2023 )
►29.11.2023 : Based on the example of proving through signal monitoring of Rai and Canal+ packets broadcast in the DVB-S2/Multistream
technological standard from the Eutelsat 5 West B satellite at 5.0°W, today I can demonstrate to you that I have effectively and, above all,
stably transformed the relatively high intensity of the emitted EIRP power into the resulting quality which I quantify by the signal-to-noise ratio
SNR=20>21+ dB_with the used configuration of modulation parameters of the signal path DVB-S2/8PSK/FEC=2/3.Today, I will demonstrate
the effectiveness with which I have managed to minimize the mutual spectral penetration or interference of the waves from the V to the H
quadrant and vice versa and how it relates to the resulting reception quality. I will perform a spectrum analysis with a frequency span
of only 200 kHz, visualizing the presence of two frequencies with TT&C signals etc.
z objektu Eutelsat 5 West B na 5,0°W,Vám dnes dokážem že som účinne a hlavne stabilne transformoval relatívne vysokú intenzitu vyžiareného
výkonu EIRP na výslednú kvalitu ,ktorú kvantifikujem pomerom signálu k šumu SNR=20>21+ dB. pri aplikovanej konfigurácii modulačných
parametrov signálnej trasy DVB-S2/8PSK/FEC=2/3. Dnes budem ďalej demonštrovať s akou účinnosťou sa mi podarilo minimalizovať vzájomné
spektrálne prieniky vlnení z kvandrantu V do H a naopak a ako to súvisí s výslednou kvalitou príjmu,vykonám analýzu spektra pri rozpätí
SPAN=200 kHz,ktorá vizualizuje prítomnosť dvoch frekvencií s povelovými,riadiacimi ai.signálmi TT&C.
►►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-Multistream : PF Prodelin 450 cm & Applied reception technology
11 013 MHz_V / Multistream : Rai 1 HD 11 013 MHz_V / Multistream : services 11 013 MHz_V / Multistream : MS isid=1

Installed dish : [D=450 cm] : PRODELIN 4.5m AZ/EL RxO 1451 (4096-345)

►Pri prevažujúco stabilnej a zároveň vysokej úrovni intenzity vyžiareného výkonu okolo EIRP=41-45 dBW vysielaných nosných
v technologickom štandarde DVB-S2/Multistream,ktoré sú z hľadiska signálneho pokrytia koncentrované do vyžarovacieho zväzku
Transalpine družice Eutelsat 5 West B na 5,0°W,som sa z podstaty princípov vlnovej fyziky prioritne sústredil na čo najúčinnejšie
potlačenie miery vzájomných spektrálnych ingerencií vlnení sústredených do kvadrantov rovín V a H. Alebo synonymicky
vysvetlené na čo navyššiu mieru vzájomnej izolácie kvandrantov rovín vlnení V a H,ktorá sa pri navrhnutej technológii
v systémovom riešení v ohnisku symetrického reflektora Prodelin 450 cm pohybovala od 35 do 38 dB v závislosti od
spracovanej frekvencie.
od-izolovanie kvandrantov rovín vlnení V a H a aj naďalej dochádza ku vzájomným,ale len miernym, spektrálnym prienikom vlnení
ale len v jednej časti frekvenčného spektra od 12 500 do 12 750 MHz.
Aj napriek tomu sa mi v praxi podarilo dosiahnúť exemplárne výsledky príjmu so špičkami kvality od SNR=17,4 dB na f=12 627 MHz_H
až do SNR=21,3 dB na f=11 016 MHz_H kde čistá rezerva v kvalite príjmu prevyšuje 14 dB, a to napriek tomu že až šesť dní,z celkovo
ôsmych,sprevádzali signálny monitoring dážďové prehánky s rôznou výškou úhrnu.Dokazuje to že som nečakal na ideálne poveternostné
podmienky a v monitoringu som postupoval bez prestávky 8 dní.
of transmitted carriers in the DVB-S2/Multistream technological standard, which, in terms of signal coverage, is concentrated into the Transalpine
beam of the satellite Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W, I have, by the nature of the principles of wave physics, focused primarily on the most
effective suppression of the degree of mutual spectral intrusion (penetration) of waves concentrated in the quadrants of the V and
H planes.
I focused on achieving the highest degree of mutual isolation of the quadrants of V and H wave planes, which, in the proposed technology
within the system solution at the focal point of the symmetrical Prodelin 450 cm reflector, ranged from 35 to 38 dB depending on the processed
frequency. As demonstrated by the spectrum analysis,even this level of isolation characteristics at the given intensity level of EIRP,
does not ensure sufficient isolation of the V and H wave plane quadrants, and their mutual diffusion continues,but only in one part of the
frequency spectrum from 12 500 to 12 750 MHz.
Nevertheless, in practice, I managed to achieve exemplary reception results with quality peaks ranging from SNR=17.4 dB at f=12 627 MHz
to SNR=21.3 dB at f=11 016 MHz_H, where the clean reserve in reception quality exceeds up to 14 dB, despite signal monitoring being
accompanied by rainfall for up to six out of the total eight days, with varying intensity totals. This demonstrates that I did not wait for ideal weather
conditions and proceeded with uninterrupted monitoring for 8 days."
H spectrum V spectrum H spectrum
10 972 V-Fransat : V <> H : the spectral intrusion of planes V and H the intrusion of vertical waves into the H spectrum
the spectral intrusion is equal to zero is negligibly low is clearly visualized only in this part of the fr. spectrum
►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-Multi Input Stream: PF Prodelin 450 cm & Synchronous Nanocorrections
jednotke t=24 hodín,som sa rozhodol aplikovať moju techológiu Synchrónnych nanokorekcii len na dvoch transpondéroch TP F3 a F5,
pri ktorých výška rezervy v kvalite dočasne dosahovala v nočných hodinách "relatívne najnižšie úrovne okolo 7,5-8 dB".
►The extremely high and notably stable levels of quality are the reason why I chose to perform the validation only in the minimal unit of t=24 hours.
I applied my technology of Synchronous Nanocorrections specifically to two transponders,TP F3 and F5, as during nighttime hours,
the quality reserve temporarily reached "relatively lowest levels around 7,5-8 dB."
-12 585 MHz_H Cairo Communication: Just after Synchronous nanocorrection I reached the peak quality SNR=18,5 dB per unit t=24 hours
-12 627 MHz_H Rai Mux : C_An anomaly of unknown origin occurred approximately fifteen minutes after synchronous nanocorrection.
-A- -B- -C-
cca + 1 dB / SNR cca + 1,5 dB / SNR
►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine: 10 972 MHz_V Fransat _ Televes H60 / Metek HD / TBS 5927+EBSpro
-porovnávacia báza kvality v jednotke Modulačná chyba MER na výstupe z dvoch analyzátorov Televes H60 + Metek HD a pre porovnanie
tretí výsledok meraní v jednotke odstup Signálu od Šumu SNR na výstupe z TBS 5927+EBSPro
-Quality comparison base in the unit of Modulation Error Ratio (MER) on the output from two Televes H60 + Metek HD analyzers. For comparison,
the third measurement result is in Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) at the output from the TBS 5927 card + EBSPro SW.
-10 972 MHz_V Fransat : DVB-S2/8PSK/FEC=2/3 _
Televes H60 Metek HD TBS 5927+EBSpro
MER=19 dB MER=19,1 dB SNR=20,2 dB
LKM=12+ dB LKM=12+ dB Margin=13,6 dB
►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine : C/N ratio measurements on DVB-S2/Multistream carriers
11 013 V 11 016 H 11 179 V 11 637 V 12 585 H 12 627 H 12 648 V 12 732 V
C/N= 23,2 dB C/N=28,2 dB C/N=26,9 dB C/N=23,4 dB C/N=23,9 dB C/N=20,1 dB C/N=24 dB C/N=23,9 dB
Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W : satellite beam diagrams for the KU band,technical parameters etc...
source :
Europe downlink coverage Transalpine downlink coverage Algeria downlink coverage
Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W : UPLINK & DOWNLINK Frequency Plan
source :
►►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-Multistream-reception : analysis of used HW, weather conditions...
Geographical location of the measurement in the KU band | 48° 33' N _ 19° 67' W , Lučenec , Slovenská republika |
Installed dish / secondary radiant [D] | PRODELIN 4.5m AZ/EL RxO 1451 (4096-345) |
LNB for KU band | SMW Q-PLL type R+O |
Analyzed frequency spectrum + polarisation | 10 950 - 12 750 MHz , linear -V+H- |
Field strenght meters | Metek HD,Televes H60 Advanced , Rover DM16 4HD Digimax , TBS 5927 |
Date of measurement | 11/2023 |
Elevation angle | 29.6° |
Weather conditions | specific weather conditions are given for each measurement |
Air temperature | specific temperatures are listed for each measurement |
Altitude above sea level | 194 m |
►10 700 > 11 700 MHz_V : LOF=9.75 GHz ►12 200 > 12 750 MHz_V : LOF=11.25 GHz
►10 700 > 11 700 MHz_H : LOF=9.75 GHz ►12 200 > 12 750 MHz_H : LOF=11.25 GHz
►►Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-copyright : Research project

that come exclusively from scientific research conducted by Roman Dávid - the author and the owner of All the information found on are protected by copyright as a part of intangible property and are protected by EU law and Slovak national legislation. Usage, copying
and distribution of any information or its parts without author's permission is strictly prohibited.

činnosti autora Roman Dávida z oblasti vlnovej fyziky a VF techniky a spadajú do jeho duševného vlastníctva,ktoré je chránené zákonmi
Európskej únie a Slovenskej republiky .Ich celkové alebo čiastočné kopírovanie, imitovanie alebo distribúcia bez súhlasu autora je výslovne zakázaná
z dôvodu výhradného vlastníctva autorom .