29-11-2023_EUTELSAT 5 West B at 5.0°W_Transalpine-DVB S2/Multistream : How to transform high EIRP radiated power intensity to high reception quality exceeding SNR=21 dB ? _ with DVB-S2/8PSK/FEC=2/3 modulation parameters applied etc ....
Centre for satellite reception of Multistream technology in DVB-S2 standard
Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine
Center of DVB-S2/S2X Multistream technology
Eutelsat 5 West B-5.0°W-Transalpine : 11 013 MHz > 12 732 MHz
Applied technology for reception in the KU band
( Last update date: 29.11.2023 )
►29.11.2023 : Based on the example of proving through signal monitoring of Rai and Canal+ packets broadcast in the DVB-S2/Multistream
technological standard from the Eutelsat 5 West B satellite at 5.0°W, today I can demonstrate to you that I have effectively and, above all,
stably transformed the relatively high intensity of the emitted EIRP power into the resulting quality which I quantify by the signal-to-noise ratio
SNR=20>21+ dB_with the used configuration of modulation parameters of the signal path DVB-S2/8PSK/FEC=2/3.Today, I will demonstrate
the effectiveness with which I have managed to minimize the mutual spectral penetration or interference of the waves from the V to the H
quadrant and vice versa and how it relates to the resulting reception quality. I will perform a spectrum analysis with a frequency span
of only 200 kHz, visualizing the presence of two frequencies with TT&C signals etc.
z objektu Eutelsat 5 West B na 5,0°W,Vám dnes dokážem že som účinne a hlavne stabilne transformoval relatívne vysokú intenzitu vyžiareného
výkonu EIRP na výslednú kvalitu ,ktorú kvantifikujem pomerom signálu k šumu SNR=20>21+ dB. pri aplikovanej konfigurácii modulačných
parametrov signálnej trasy DVB-S2/8PSK/FEC=2/3. Dnes budem ďalej demonštrovať s akou účinnosťou sa mi podarilo minimalizovať vzájomné
spektrálne prieniky vlnení z kvandrantu V do H a naopak a ako to súvisí s výslednou kvalitou príjmu,vykonám analýzu spektra pri rozpätí
SPAN=200 kHz,ktorá vizualizuje prítomnosť dvoch frekvencií s povelovými,riadiacimi ai.signálmi TT&C.
First link to news :
TT&C , measuring C/N levels , spectral penetration etc | CZECH AND SLOVAK DX SATELLITE CLUB (dxsatcs.com)
Second link to news :
Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2/Multistream technology-reception : The proving is visualized in continuous signal monitoring
over a duration of 8x24 hours | CZECH AND SLOVAK DX SATELLITE CLUB (dxsatcs.com)
Odkaz na novinku č.1 :
TT&C , measuring C/N levels , spectral penetration etc | CZECH AND SLOVAK DX SATELLITE CLUB (dxsatcs.com) Odkaz na novinku č.2 :
Eutelsat 5 West B at 5.0°W-Transalpine-DVB-S2/Multistream technology-reception : The proving is visualized in continuous signal monitoring
over a duration of 8x24 hours | CZECH AND SLOVAK DX SATELLITE CLUB (dxsatcs.com)