Express AM1 at 40.0°E

Express AM1 at 40.0°E : Technical data

                                Express AM1 at 40.0°E : 3 675 R Packet RSCC Russia-qualitative peak MER=18 dB
Express AM1 at 40.0 E-footprint in C band-3 675 R RSCC-01n                          
                     satellite : Express AM1 - orbit : 40.0°E - TP : 10 C/16 KU - lifetime : from 28.1.2008 - 12 years

Express AM1 at 40.0°E - footprint in C band : 6 TP spectrum analysis and measurement results

      Express AM1 at 40.0°E - footprint in C band : measurements at the center Lučenec_central Slovakia      
                                        geographical location :
Latitude: 48.33°  _   Longitude: 19.72°
                                    measurement results are derived from the 3.7 m diameter antenna
                                                               date of measurement : 5.9.2010
                                                                         elevation angle  : 31°

      Express AM1 footprint_C band              Express AM1 : installed system               Express AM1 : research point     
                  coverage area                           Prodelin 3.7 m,LNB Norsat 8215            town Lučenec / Slovak republic
   Europe,Asia,Middle East,part of Africa                                                                                 48.33° _ 19.72°
Express AM1 at 40.0 E-footprint in C bandExpress AM1 at 40.0 E-footprint in C band-PF Prodelin 3.7 mExpress AM1 at 40.0 E-footprint in C band-measurement point

                                                          --- express am1 : TP 6 -  spectral analysis ---
                                                                                  click for enlarge
            Express AM1 at 40.0 E-footprint in C band-spectral analysis-n        
                                                                - time of measurement : 5.9.2010 -
                                                                  - defining the status of reception -

3 675 R / resulting quality : high quality detection with a real margin of gain more than 11 dB with absolutely zero level BER
                     before viterbi decoder >>> MER=18+ dB _ N.Margin=9.8 dB _ bBER=<10-6 _ Dmin=140+ cm

                                            Express AM1 at 40.0°E - C band footprint : 3 675 R RSCC Network
                       IF data                                                        Q data                                                   NIT data
Express AM1 at 40.0 E-footprint in C band-3 675 R RSCC-IF dataExpress AM1 at 40.0 e _ C band footprint _3 675 R RSCC netw_Q dataExpress AM1 at 40.0 e _ C band footprint _3 675 R RSCC netw_NIT data

                                       Express AM1 at 40.0°E - C band footprint : 3 739 R Rossia RR Mayak
                        IF data                                                        Q data                                                   NIT data
Express AM1 at 40.0 E-footprint in C band-3 739 R Rossia RR-IF dataExpress AM1 at 40.0 E-footprint in C band-3 739 R Rossia RR-Q dataExpress AM1 at 40.0 E-footprint in C band-3 739 R Rossia RR-NIT data

                                                    Express AM1 at 40.0°E - C band footprint : 4 107 R KRT
                       IF data                                                        Q data                                                   NIT data
Express AM1 at 40.0 e _ C band footprint _4 107 R KRT_IF dataExpress AM1 at 40.0 e _ C band footprint _4 107 R KRT_Q dataExpress AM1 at 40.0 e _ C band footprint _4 107 R KRT_NIT data

                                           Express AM1 at 40.0°E - C band footprint : 4 128 R TV Kostroma
                          IF data                                                        Q data                                                   NIT data
Express AM1 at 40.0 e _ C band footprint _4 128 R TV Kostroma_IF dataExpress AM1 at 40.0 e _ C band footprint _4 128 R TV Kostroma_Q dataExpress AM1 at 40.0 e _ C band footprint _4 128 R TV Kostroma_NIT data

Express AM1 at 40.0°E : TV List

 Express AM1 at 40.0 e _ C band footprint _PF Prodelin 3.7 m



---SR--- ---FEC--- ---footprint--- ---Antenna--- ---Video/Encryption---

3 675 -R- tp 6

RSCC 33 483 7/8 C 140-180+ cm DVB
  TRK 5_MSK         FTA
  TLK Rossiya +RR         Biss
  Kultura+Vesti-F    watch video         FTA
  1KanalR+Mayak         Rosscrypt
  Dubl-4+RRD4         Biss
  Kultura-3         FTA
  Podmoskovye         Biss
  Orbita-4R+Yunos         Rosscrypt

3 739 -R- tp 8

Rossia RR Mayak

3 230 3/4 C 180+ cm DVB FTA

4 108 -R- tp 17

KRT 3 215 3/4 C 180+ cm DVB FTA

4 114 -R- tp 17

GTRK Kursk 4 285 3/4 C 180+ cm Biss

4 128 -R- tp 17

Kostroma TV 3 230 3/4 C 220+ cm DVB FTA

4 132 -R- tp 17

GTRK Kostroma 3 219 3/4 C 180+ cm Biss


Express AM1 at 40.0°E: relative quality

relative Qrelative q 02relative q 04

Express AM1 at 40.0°E: Video presentation

        Go to Video section :
watch videos   

Express AM1 at 40.0°E: update prepared

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                             Roman Dávid - author & founder
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Express AM1 at 40.0°E footprint : for C band

                                                 express am1 footprint
                                  Express AM1 at 40.0°E - C band footprint

Express AM1 at 40.0°E : snapshots

Kultura TLK 03TRK 5 Kanal 01TRK 5 Kanal 02
TRK 5  01KRT 02Rossia RR Mayak 03