►►Hispasat 1E-λ=-30°W-KA band reception : Technical data,Beacon frequency,general description ...
NORAD Catalog number : | Status : | TLE data-CelesTrak : | Δλ : |
Current position : |
37264 | operational | yes | 0.00°/d | -30° W.L |
a,HISPASAT 1E, a Spanish communications satellite, was launched from Kourou on 2010 December 29 at 21:27 UT
by an Ariane 5 rocket. HISPASAT 1E will provide Hispasat with additional capacity, enabling it to offer a broader
range of video and data transmission services with European and pan-American coverage.
The satellite carries 53 Ku-band transponders and a Ka-band capability. Using its on-board engine to circularize
the orbit, in the coming days it will park in a geostationary orbit over the equator at 30° W longitude alongside
Hispasat 1C and 1D. HISPASAT 1E has a design life of 18 years.
b,The initial orbital parameters were period = 1,436.08 minutes, apogee = 35,797.7 km, perigee = 35,774.8 km,
inclination = 0.0° on 2011 Mar 28 at 05:00:51 UTC. (source : hispasat.com + nasa.gov)
Hispasat 1E-KA band reception : 20 191 MHz _ LHCP vector
an unspecified number of streams
►Hispasat 1E-KA band-general description : spacecraft , payload , satellite coverage , monitoring stations (source : hispasat.com )
the spectrum of the horizontal vector in the range from 5 to 50 mh
►Hispasat 1E-KA band-beacon frequency : 19 769 MHz / RHCP - 1x beacon frequency
(arguably-I do not have this information confirmed from official sources)
f0=19 769 MHz f0=19 769 MHz f0=19 769 MHz
SPAN 100 kHz SPAN 200 kHz SPAN 1000 kHz
►Hispasat 1E-KA band reception : komentár autora Romana Dávida
Aj napriek tomu že dva geostacionárne objekty,konkrétne X-TAR-LANT a Hispasat 1E,ktoré sú identicky poziciované na 30°
západnej dĺžky a operujú v KA pásme,doteraz verejne nepublikovali tabuľku frekvenčného plánovania,ktorá by vylúčila
akékoľvek pochynosti z ktorého objektu sa uskutočňuje vysielanie,jestvuje tu určitá miera pravdepodobnosti že komerčný
poskytovateľ širokopásmových služieb internetu AOL America online,ktorý autor identifikoval na f=19 722 MHz vysiela
práve z TP družice Hispasat 1E pre KA pásmo a nie z objektu X-TAR-LANT-Spainsat .
použité zdroje informácií :
1, wikipédia.org
2, xtar.com
3, hispasat.com
4, výskumná činnosť Romana Dávida
►►Hispasat 1E-λ=-30°W-KA band : HF string , footprint , geographical location ...
geographical location of the measurement in the KU band | N48°19719' , E19°40148' , Lučenec , Slovak republic |
Installed dish / secondary radiant [D] | PRODELIN 4.5m AZ/EL RxO 1451 (4096-345) |
HF system | KU+KA primary radiant with SKEW control |
LNB for KU band | DRO Norsat 880-9000 B+CF,L.O.stability +/-1 MHz,NF=1,6 dB |
Analyzed frequency spectrum + polarisation | 19 700 - 20 200 MHz , RHCP |
Field strenght meters | Televes H60 Advanced , Rover DM16 4HD Digimax , TBS 5925 , Unaohm AP 201 S+ |
►Installed dish / secondary radiant [D] : PRODELIN 4.5m AZ/EL RxO 1451 (4096-345) _ N48°19719' , E19°40148' , Lučenec , Slovak republic
►Hispasat 1E-30°W-KA band footprint-beam-coverage : European beam , geographical location of the measurement
(source : hispasat.com )
There is a high degree of probability that also in the Ka-band applies only one wide coverage diagram,like in the Ku-band and not
amount of spot diagrams
European coverage measurement: N48°19719' , E19°40148'
►►Hispasat 1E-λ=-30°W-KA band reception : analysis of the RHCP spectrum
►The complete range of the -RHCP- vector in the KA band from 19 200 to 20 200 MHz : quantification of RHCP pectrum
19 200-20 200 MHz 19 700 - 20 200 MHz
►Hispasat 1E-30°W-KA band-reception : the analysis of the quality and quantification of packets (current status 2015)
►19 722 MHz_RHCP : DVB-S2/ACM Data
►►Hispasat 1E-λ=-30°W-KA band-reception : a list of the locked carrier frequencies
►►Hispasat 1E-λ=-30°W-KA band : copyright
that come exclusively from scientific research conducted by Roman Dávid - the author and the owner of www.dxsatcs.com. All the information found on
www.dxsatcs.com are protected by copyright as a part of intangible property and are protected by EU law and Slovak national legislation. Usage, copying
and distribution of any information or its parts without author's permission is strictly prohibited.
činnosti autora dxsatcs.com Roman Dávida z oblasti vlnovej fyziky a VF techniky a spadajú do jeho duševného vlastníctva,ktoré je chránené zákonmi
Európskej únie a Slovenskej republiky .Ich celkové alebo čiastočné kopírovanie, imitovanie alebo distribúcia bez súhlasu autora je výslovne zakázaná
z dôvodu výhradného vlastníctva autorom .
author : Roman Dávid_the founder of the Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club_Think-Tank © Lučenec 2015 / Slovak republic