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15.12.2009 - Test Cards BOX : satellite Thaicom 5 at 78.5° E and Central Asian footprint zone C:changes in the packet Shinsat / f = 3 960 V, snapshots from the broadcast FILMAX and SILVER SCREEN, relative quality of the income +++
družica Thaicom 5 na 78.5°E a príjem paketu ShinSat na f=3 960 V v stredoázijskej stope pásma C v zóne stredná Európa
Zone D diagram determines the regional Asian footprint zone C
14.12.2009 - HDTV BOX _ dxsatcs defines the technical aspects of income HDTV broadcasts from Thailand via Thaicom 2 satellite in C band in the combined Asian European footprint: 3 888 H MCOT HD Thailand _ FULL HD 1920x1088 _ Thaicom 2 at 78.5°E +++ more
It is a technically simple income from the European footprint of the antenna with a diameter of 180-220 + cm