Latest update from satellite list
HISTORICAL EVENT from the author Roman Dávid:THE FIRST SATELLITE BROADCAST packet STV in KA BAND-EHF=27.5-28.6 GHz from satellite Eutelsat 16A-16e in the format DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4 and SECOND TOPIC _ Quantification of the gain levels ....
author : Roman Dávid_founder of Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club - Think-Tank at
Section : KA band satellite reception-analysis-videos : updated 8.3.2013
HISTORICAL EVENT from the author Roman Dávid:THE FIRST SATELLITE BROADCAST packet STV in KA BAND-EHF=27.5-28.6 GHz from satellite Eutelsat 16A-16e in the format DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4: First Topic_Eutelsat 16 at 16.0°e and European + African downlink coverage
author : Roman Dávid_founder of Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club - Think-Tank at
4-3-13__NEW FEEDS CHANNELS IN KA BAND-Eutelsat 7A-7°e:The author has identified an encoded FFED channel from the operator TELEMEDIA,broadcast from unspecified region of the African continent, together with non-coded test of Angola's operator Zimbo TV with
author : Roman Dávid_founder of Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club - Think-Tank at
New KA band satellite feeds line & KA band satellite list-frequencies : updated 4.3.2013
line number 1 : 21 511.5 MHz - TELEMEDIA T12 feed and ANG-4 ENCODER 1 feeds
1-3-2013__Author summarizes the entire amount of thirteen Eutelsat 7A-KA band carrier within range of vertical vector from 21 400 to 21 700 MHz, that are mainly broadcasted from countries of central and southern Africa in a spectrum of extremely high f ..
author : Roman Dávid_founder of Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club - Think-Tank at
Ka Band satellite list-frequencies : updated 1.3.2013
1-3-13__FIRST QUANTIFICATION OF THE LEVEL OF GAIN and BIT-ERROR-RATE BER of the QPSK carrier 2S TV Senegal at f=21 565.3 MHz with bandwidth BW=2.12 MHz,SR=1571 ksym/s and FEC=7/8 to the output from the secondary radiant Channel Master RX 300 cm .
author : Roman Dávid_founder of Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club - Think-Tank at
Ka Band reception videos+analysis : updated 1.3.2013