NSS 5 at 20.0°W

NSS 5 at 5.0°E : Technical data

NSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint _first snap 001
              satellite : NSS 5-orbit : 5.0°E - TP : C-38/KU-6 - lifetime : from 1997 >14-17 years

Update - NSS 5 at 5.0°E - East Hemi footprint : spectrum analysis and the results of measurements

                 NSS 5 at 5.0°E - East Hemi footprint : measurements at the center Lučenec/central Slovakia  
                                         geographical location :
Latitude: 48.33°  _   Longitude: 19.72°
                                     measurement results are derived from the 3.7 m diameter antenna
                                                                          Elevation angle : 32.8°

                                NSS 5 spectral analysis                                         NSS 5 footprint     
                                        wave vector R                                                     East Hemi
                    TP 20 / 3 698 R : RTL Tele Luxembourg                Africa , Middle East  , Europe
                    NSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint _spectral analysis           NSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint and global footprint _
                                                              - time of measurement : 7.2.2010 -
                                                                - defining the status of income -

                   - 3 698 R RTL Tele Luxembourg :measured quality_MER=15.5 dB,N.MAR=9.1 dB,bBER=<10-6 - 
quality status : an exemplary example of a high quality income with absolutely zero error rate BER before the decoder Viterbi
and real gain margin of about 11 dB

                                                      NSS 5 at 5.0°E : results of measurements of quality of income

                                               NSS 5 at 5.0°E - East Hemi footprint : 3 698 R Tele Luxembourg
                       IF data                                                    Q data                                                    NIT data
NSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint _3 697 R RTL Tele_IF dataNSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint _3 697 R RTL Tele_Q dataNSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint _3 697 R RTL Tele_NIT data

                                       NSS 5 at 5.0°E - East Hemi footprint : 3 939 R Tele Luxembourg
                       IF data                                                    Q data                                                    NIT data   
NSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint _3 939 R RTL Tele_IF dataNSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint _3 939 R RTL Tele_Q dataNSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint _3 939 R RTL Tele_NIT data

                                          NSS 5 at 5.0°E - Gloabl footprint : 4 180 R Tele Luxembourg
                       IF data                                                    Q data                                                    NIT data   
NSS 5 at 5.0 e _ global footprint _4 180 R RTL Tele_IF dataNSS 5 at 5.0 e _ global footprint _4 180 R RTL Tele_Q dataNSS 5 at 5.0 e _ global footprint _4 180 R RTL Tele_NIT data

NSS 5 at 5.0°E:TV List

             NSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint _PF Prodelin 3.7 m



---SR--- ---FEC--- ----Footprint---- ---Antenna--- ---Video/Encryption---

3 698 -R- tp 20

Tele Luxembourg & RTL Radio Web TV
             NSS5 OU1 Ch 1 watch video

5 530 3/4 East Hemi 120-140+ cm DVB FTA

3 939 -R- tp 23B

Tele Luxembourg & RTL Radio Web TV
             NSS5 OU1 Ch 1    

5 530 3/4 East Hemi 120-140+ cm DVB FTA

4 180 -R- tp 38

Tele Luxembourg & RTL Radio Web TV
              NSS5 OU1 Ch 1  watch videos

5 530 3/4 Global 240-300+ cm DVB FTA

NSS 5 at 5.0°E: relative quality

relative Q 3 698 Rrelative Q 3 939 Rrelative Q 4180 R

NSS 5 at 5.0°E: video presentation

  Go to Video Section:         

NSS 5 at 5.0°E footprint : Global _ East Hemi _ West Hemi

                                    NSS 5 footprint

                  NSS 5 at 5.0 e _ east hemi footprint and global footprint _        

NSS 5 at 5.0°E : snapshots

RTL Tele Letzebuerg  01RTL Tele Letzebuerg  02RTL Tele Letzebuerg  03