15.2.11.NOVINKA č.4+BONUS-INDICKÁ ŠTÁTNA SATELITNÁ SIEŤ DOORDARSHAN-INSAT 4B na 93.5°E-C pásmo a KVALITA PRÍJMU-3 725 H a QPSK konštelácia pred a po poruche na satelite+aktuálny akostný stav,3 725>3 842 MHz & 7x výsledky meraní+ LIVE videá a BONUS NA ÚVOD
--- Think-Tank dxsatcs.com / Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club / autor Roman Dávid ---
v dnešnej novinke determinujem resp. vymedzujem pojmy,vzťahy a akostné priebehy pred a po poruche na satelite
Insat 4B jednoduchou a jasne zrozumitelnou formou konštelačných QPSK diagramov nosnej Doordarshan na f=3 725 H
toto je jeden z mnohých chybových stavov na nosnej siete Doordarshan na f=3 925 H,ktoré som identifikoval dňa 5.2.2011 ---
aktuálny stav po poruche na satelite
približne na tri minúty som na kmitočte paketu Doordarshan identifikoval neznámy signál s vysokou a permanentne oscilujúcou
amplitúdou od 25 do 30 mV a so šírkou pásma 5 MHz
3 725 H Doordarshan : DD National India
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
--- kvalitatívny stav pred poruchou na satelite Insat 4B dňa 1.3.2010 ---
___ 3951 H MPEG-4 Sakshi TV - Insat 4B at 93.5°E & outstanding quality status in the Central European reception zone ___
3 951 H_quality status : In the time span of 15 minutes, I identified the peak quality of 16.3 dB, with a slightly oscillating MER
amplitude in the narrow range from 15.8 to 16.3 dB, with stable zero error rate bBER.The outcome measurements at elevation
angle of only 2° evidencing the exceptional quality of reception derived from high-level flow the EIRP around 43 dBW in the
middle zone of Europe .For monitoring quality changes in reception over a longer period of time than 15 minutes, for example
60 minutes,I can certainly say that the band oscillation of the tip-Mer will be extended to a new amplitude from the original
levels + / - 0.3 dB on a new level of + / - 1.5 dB >> 14-17 dB .
Practical evidence of stable zero error BER before Viterbi decoder with minimal oscillation of the peak-Mer.If the oscillations
/ChBER+MER/ varied in a wider range than I defined, then the exemplary course of the four phases of the QPSK carrier could
not be reached .
--- 3951 H MPEG-4 Sakshi TV - Insat 4B at 93.5°E & spectrum analysis ---
3 951 H MPEG-4 Sakshi TV 3 951 H MPEG-4 Sakshi TV - BER analysis
international professional portal
Roman Dávid - author & founder
mail : roman.david@dxsatcs.com