
►►Thor 7-λ=-0.8°W-KA band : Technical data,general description


Thor 7: field of action-mission
NORAD Catalog number : Status : TLE data-CelesTrak :   Δλ :
Current position :
40613 operational yes 0.01°/d  -0.7° W.L

a,Ka band services for the Mobility VSAT market : Telenor Satellite Broadcasting’s (TSBc) THOR 7 Ka-band
High Throughput Satellite (HTS) payload offers 6-9 Gbps throughput with up to 25 simultaneously active
spot beams. We will offer services with download speeds in the tens of Mbps, even from small antennas
and deliver uplink speeds anywhere from 2Mbps to 6Mbps (depending upon antenna size).Service reliability
and availa-bility is key: TSBc is implementing a package of solutions to mitigate rain fade on Ka-band,
including a new uplink site in Norway to provide antenna-site diversity. THOR 7 will offer cost effective data
communications solutions and offer high-powered coverage over the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the Red
Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean.

b, HTS KA BAND-Mainly for maritime customers_MARITIME/VSAT : TSBc’s maritime VSAT payload aggregated
coverage-offering up to 25 simultaneously active spot beams
c, HTS KA BAND STEERABLE BEAM : Can be positioned anywhere over the visible earth-though its likely position
will be over the North Sea. (source :         

                                         Thor 7-KA band reception : analysis of the LHCP vector                                                              

Thor 7-KA band-technical specification : spacecraft , payload , satellite coverage ....  (source :
dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-technical-specification-01 dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-technical-specification-02  dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-technical-specification-03                                                       

Thor 7-KA band-beacon frequency : analysis did not confirm that the beacon frequency is in the range from 19.2 tp 20.2 GHz

Thor 7-KA band reception komentár autora Romana Dávida

14.7.2015 : Prvá analýza rozsahu spektra KA-pásma od 19,7 do 20.2 GHz geostacionárneho objektu Thor 7,ktorý z pozície λ=0,8° zd
zabezpečuje dátovú konektivitu (cez multizväzkovú a simultánne aktívnu vysielaciu architektúru dvadsiatichpiatich bodových škvŕn s
celkovou dátovou priepustnosťou až 9 Gbit/sec s individuálnymi parametrami pre jeden satelitný VSAT terminál rádovo 10-30 Mbit/sec
pre download a od 2 do 10 Mbit/sec pre upload v závislosti od priemeru/zisku inštalovanej antény ) hlavne pre námorných zákazníkov
nachádzajúcich sa v Stredozemnom,Baltickom,Červenom,Nórskom a Severnom mori ale aj v oblasti Perského zálivu,poprípade
"kdekoľvek" inde v dosahu vysielacej antény s takzvaným riadeným/polohovatelným vyžarovacím zväzkom.
Autor v spektre ľavotočivého vektora vlnenia LHCP identifikoval a definuje parametre prenosov pre 5 data nosných.

použité zdroje informácií :

1,Telenor Satellite Broadcasting
4, výskumná činnosť Romana Dávida

►►Thor 7-λ=-0.8°W-KA band : HF string , footprint , geographical location ...


Thor 7-Ka band reception data
geographical location of the measurement in the KU band N48°19719' , E19°40148' , Lučenec , Slovak republic
Installed dish / secondary radiant [D] PRODELIN 4.5m AZ/EL RxO 1451 (4096-345)
HF system KU+KA primary radiant with SKEW control
LNB for KU band DRO Norsat 880-9000 B+CF,L.O.stability +/-1 MHz,NF=1,6 dB
Analyzed frequency spectrum + polarisation 19 700 - 20 200 MHz , LHCP
Field strenght meters Televes H60 Advanced , Rover DM16 4HD Digimax , TBS 5925 , Unaohm AP 201 S+

Installed dish / secondary radiant [D] : PRODELIN 4.5m AZ/EL RxO 1451 (4096-345) _ N48°19719' , E19°40148' , Lučenec , Slovak republic    

Thor 7-30°W-KA band footprint-beam-coverage : Fixed beam and Steerable beam , geographical location of the measurement
                                                              (source : )            

a, 30x forward and return link spot beams covering themaritime areas surrounding Europe including the North Sea, Norwegian Sea,
Red Sea, Baltic Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Mediterranean
b, 1x Single spot beam for Antarctica
c, 1x Single Steerable Spot Beam           

                                     Thor 7 KA band coverage area : Fixed+Steerable beam

   KA band Maritime/Vsat beam                     KA band Steerable beam  
   Thor 7 maritime VSAT payload                Can be positioned anywhere over the
aggregated coverage-offering up             visible earth-though its likely position
to 25 simultaneously active spot               will be over the North Sea.
                   beams                                                                                                             author's geographical position
dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-coverage-footprint-beam-hts-maritime-vsat-02  dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-coverage-footprint-beam-hts-steerable-beam-02 dxsatcs-sat-dx-ku-ka-band-prodelin-450-cm-location-of-the-measurements-geographical-location-w

►►Thor 7-λ=-0.8°W-KA band reception : analysis of the LHCP spectrum

►The complete range of the -LHCP- vector in the KA band from 19 700 to 20 200 MHz : quantification of LHCP pectrum

                                19 200-20 200 MHz                                                                      19 700 - 20 200 MHz                                          
dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-reception-lhcp-vector-spectrum-analysis-19700-20200-mhz-02-n  dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-reception-lhcp-vector-spectrum-analysis-19700-20200-mhz-01-n                                            

Thor 7-0.8°W-KA band : the analysis of the quality and quantification of packets (current status 2015)   

       19 732 MHz/LHCP : ACM Data                19 827 MHz/LHCP : ACM Data             19 922 MHz/LHCP : ACM Data
dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-reception-lhcp-vector-quality-analysis-19732-mhz-acm-vcm-data-02 dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-reception-lhcp-vector-quality-analysis-19827-mhz-acm-vcm-data-03 dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-reception-lhcp-vector-quality-analysis-19922-mhz-acm-vcm-data-04                                                                                                                                                       

         20 017 MHz/LHCP : ACM Data            20 110 MHz/LHCP : ACM Data
dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-reception-lhcp-vector-quality-analysis-20017-mhz-acm-vcm-data-01 dxsatcs-com-thor-7-1-west-ka-band-reception-lhcp-vector-quality-analysis-20110-mhz-acm-vcm-data-05                                                                                                                      

►►Thor 7-λ=-0.8°W-KA band-reception : a list of the locked carrier frequencies




---SR--- ---FEC--- ---Footprint--- ---Antenna--- ---DVB/Encryption---
19 732 MHz_LHCP Data

45 000 VCM ? depending on the geo. location ACM/VCM DATA
19 827 MHz_LHCP Data
45 000 VCM ? depending on the geo. location ACM/VCM DATA
19 922 MHz_LHCP Data
45 000 VCM ? depending on the geo. location ACM/VCM DATA
20 017 MHz_LHCP Data
45 000 VCM ? depending on the geo. location ACM/VCM DATA
20 110 MHz_LHCP Data
45 000 VCM ? depending on the geo. location ACM/VCM DATA

►►Thor 7-λ=-0.8°W-KA band : copyright

 All the information, images, measurements and analyses in Ku band frequency spectrum in high frequency engeneering and wave physics are results
that come  exclusively from scientific research conducted by Roman Dávid - the author and the owner of All the information found on are protected by copyright as a part of intangible property and are protected by EU law and Slovak national legislation. Usage, copying
and distribution of any information  or its parts without author's permission is strictly prohibited.


 Všetky informácie,grafické zobrazenia,výsledky meraní a analýz príjmu vo frekvenčnom spektre pásme Ku pochádzajú výlučne z vedecko-výskumnej
činnosti autora Roman Dávida z oblasti vlnovej fyziky a VF techniky a spadajú do jeho duševného vlastníctva,ktoré je chránené zákonmi
Európskej únie a Slovenskej republiky .Ich celkové alebo čiastočné kopírovanie, imitovanie alebo distribúcia bez súhlasu autora je výslovne zakázaná
z dôvodu výhradného vlastníctva autorom .

author : Roman Dávid_the founder of the Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club_Think-Tank © Lučenec 2015 / Slovak republic

                                         Mr.Roman Dávid-author and founder of Czech Slovak DX Satellite club-Think-Tank-www-dxsatcs-com-01