1-11-2023-EUT 21B_11 188 H SNRT Arryadia:These results will serve as the foundation for a comparative base or benchmark for quality,particularly the proven stability of reception derived from the measurement unit's LKM/NM for the European continent ...
The visualization of proving regarding the stability of satellite reception form
Eutelsat 21B at 21.5°E-Western footprint
11 188.4 MHz-H : SNRT Arryadia Morocco
Eutelsat 21B-21.5°E-Western : 11 188 MHz_H-Arryadia
Proving using continuous signal monitoring
by Roman Dávid_founder of Think-Tank
►1.11.2023 :
from Televes and Metek, in the DVB-S2/8PSK standard, today, it is possible to achieve an exemplary state even under high levels of precipitation
on the frequency of the Moroccan provider SNRT Arryadia> f=11 188,4 MHz_H-Eutelsat 21B-21.5°E.These results will serve as the foundation for
a comparative base or benchmark for quality, particularly the proven stability of reception derived from the measurement unit's Link or Noise Margin
for the European continent. All my claims and results are built upon irrefutable evidence, which unequivocally excludes their categorization as reception
falling under the label "Sat DX."
Eutelsat 21B-21.5°E-Western-H: Na príklade plne porovnatelných výsledkov výpočtu špičky kvality dvoch softvérových algoritmov výrobcov Televes a Metek,
v štandarde DVB-S2/8PSK,dnes dokážem dosiahnutie exemplárneho stavu aj pri vysokom úhrne zrážok na frekvencii marockého provajdera SNRT Arryadia
> f=11 188,4 MHz_H družice Eutelsat 21B-21.5°E.Tieto výsledky vytvoria základ pre porovnávaciu bázu,alebo benchmark,pre kvalitu a hlavne dokázanú
stabilitu príjmu odvodenú od výšky jednotky Link alebo Noise Margin pre oblasť európskeho kontinentu,pretože všetky moje tvrdenia a výsledky
sú postavené na nespochybnitelnom dokazovaní,ktoré jednoznačne vylučuje zaradenie do kategorizácie príjmu spadajúceho pod označenie Sat DX.
odkaz na novinku : Eutelsat 21B at 21.5°E & Prodelin 450 cm:11 188.4 MHz-SNRT Arryadia_The proving is visualized in continuous signal monitoring over a duration of 72 hours | CZECH AND SLOVAK DX SATELLITE CLUB (dxsatcs.com)