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Sat List Update 29-10-12---NEW FEED IN KA BAND---KA band satellite monitoring-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-Europe C beam-: 21 475 MHz-V.pol. Megawatt Park - the range of the vertical vector I have included an analysis of the carrier, with the transmission from South-East Africa . Roman Dávid 10/29/2012 - 12:57
Sat List Update 29-10-12---NEW FEED IN KA BAND---Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-Europe C footprint- : 21 475 MHz-V.pol. Megawatt Park-MPEG-2-528x576i-Video-TS=5.3 Mbps-25Hz-4:3,Audio-256 kbps-48kHz and analysis of spectrum and quality in 3 video preview Roman Dávid 10/29/2012 - 12:42
Sat List Update 29-10-12---NEW FEED IN KA BAND---Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-Europe C beam-: 21 475 MHz Megawatt Park-live broadcast in the Super High Frequency band from the town of Lilonqwe in the state of Malawi from South-East Africa Roman Dávid 10/29/2012 - 12:32
Sat List Update 29-10-12---NEW FEED IN KA BAND---TV Test-Card-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-Europe C beam: 21 475 MHz Megawatt Park - FIRST TEST CARDS FROM THE BROADCAST in KA band Roman Dávid 10/29/2012 - 12:19
Ka Band Section KA-Band-feeds-reception-videos-Eutelsat-7A-7.0e-Europe-C-footprint: 21 475 MHz-V.pol. Megawatt Park-Live feed-Lilonqwe-Malawi-MPEG-2-528x576i-Video-TS=5.3 Mbps-25Hz-4:3,Audio-256 kbps-48kHz Roman Dávid 10/29/2012 - 12:08
Ka Band Section KA-Band-feeds-reception-Eutelsat-7A-7.0e-Europe-C-footprint: 21 475 MHz-V.pol. Megawatt Park-Live feed-Lilonqwe-Malawi-MPEG-2-528x576i-Video-TS=5.3 Mbps-25Hz-4:3,Audio-256 kbps-48kHz Roman Dávid 10/29/2012 - 12:06
Hottest News 26-10-12-MONITORING SPEKTRA SHF objektu Eutelsat 7A v KA pásme na orbite 7.0e vo zväzku Europe C : spektrum -V- vektora som doplnil o nosnú na f=21 501.5 MHz-TPA International Angola spolu s HDTV vysielaním CCTV Africa,Telemedia feed,Zimbo TV feed atď Roman Dávid 10/26/2012 - 12:10
Hottest News 26.10.2012-PRÍJEM V KA PÁSME-TPA Internacional a prvé analýzy spektra a kvality na regulárnom vysielaní z južnej Afriky v KA pásme cez objekt Eutelsat 7A na 7e : f=21 501,5 MHz-V.pol TPA Angola a dve LIVE video ukážky z digitálneho analyzátora Televes H60 Roman Dávid 10/26/2012 - 12:10
Sat List Update 26.10.12-KA-BAND-SATELLITE-MONITORING-Eutelsat-7a-7e-Europe C beam-21 501.5 MHz-TPA International Angola-I added the results of the analysis in the spectrum of -V- vector with carriers HDTV CCTV Africa,Telemedia feed,Zimbo feed ... Roman Dávid 10/26/2012 - 11:50
Sat List Update 26-10-12-KA-BAND-RECEPTION-TPA Internacional and first analysis of the spectrum and quality of the regular South African Broadcasting in KA band-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-Europe C beam:21 501.5 MHz-V.pol-TPA Angola and two preview from a digital video analyzer Roman Dávid 10/26/2012 - 11:38
Ka Band Section Satellite-reception-in-ka-band-Eutelsat-7a-7-east-KA-band-Europe-C-footprint-21 501.5 MHz-V.pol- TPA Angola-regular broadcast-spectrum and quality analysis / digital field strenght meters Televes H60 Advanced Roman Dávid 10/26/2012 - 11:36
Sat List Update 22.10.12--FIRST IDEAL STATUS OF QUALITY in KA band reception--Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-Europe C beam-21 493.5 MHz TELEMEDIA-VITO 3:2 feed and operators of equivalence, which define the ideal status of DVB-S quality bBER⇔CBER⇔Pre-Viterbi BER <1Ex10-6 or 1*10-6. Roman Dávid 10/22/2012 - 11:40
Hottest News 22.10.12---PRVÝ IDEÁLNY STAV KVALITY PRI PRÍJME v KA pásme-Eutelsat 7A na 7.0e-Európsky lúč C: f=21 493.5 MHz TELEMEDIA-VITO 3:2 feed a operátory ekvivalencie,ktorými definujem ideálny status kvality nosnej_bBER⇔CBER⇔Pre-Viterbi BER <1Ex10-6 alebo 1*10-6 Roman Dávid 10/22/2012 - 11:40
Hottest News 19.10.2012-MONITORING PRVÉHO HDTV FEED vysielania z Eutelsatu 7A na 7.0e v KA pásme cez lúč European C a analýza spektra -V- vektora vlnenia s výsledkami meraní na 2 nosných-21 465.75 MHz_Vpol.-HDTV CCTV Africa 1920x1080,21 601.9 MHz-V.pol-TV ZIMBO Roman Dávid 10/19/2012 - 12:44
Hottest News 19.10.2012-PRVÉ HDTV FEED vysielanie v KA pásme-Dejinná udalosť-Eutelsat 7A na 7.0e - 21 465.75 MHz_Vpol.-CCTV Africa-1920x1080 a prvé výsledky meraní vo video ukážkach živého prenosu z Nairobi do Káhiry v pásme super vysokých frekvencií KA pásma Roman Dávid 10/19/2012 - 12:37
Hottest News 19.10.2012-PRVÝ HDTV LIVE FEED prenos v KA pásme-Dejinná udalosť-rozlíšenie 1920x1080 cez Eutelsat 7A na 7.0e-European C diagram cez nosnú na f=21 465.75 MHz_V.-DVB-S2-8PSK CCTV Africa a každodenné prenosy z Nirobi v Keni v dĺžke 2-3 hodiny Roman Dávid 10/19/2012 - 12:31
Sat List Update 19.10.2012-KA BAND SATELLITE MONITORING-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-European C footprint-analysis of the spectrum of the -V- vector and the results of measurements on 2 carrier-21 465.75 MHz_Vpol.-HDTV CCTV Africa 1920x1080 , 21 601.9 MHz-V.pol - TV ZIMBO LIVE Roman Dávid 10/19/2012 - 12:14
Sat List Update 19.10.2012-FIRST HDTV FEEDS in KA band-HISTORICAL EVENT-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e - 21 465.75 MHz_Vpol.-DVB-S2-8PSK-MPEG-4 - CCTV Africa SAT and the FIRST RESULTS of the measurements in the video preview on LIVE from Kenya to Cairo Roman Dávid 10/19/2012 - 12:01
Sat List Update 19.10.2012-FIRST HDTV FEEDS IN KA BAND-1920x1080-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-European C footprint-21 465.75 MHz_Vpol.-DVB-S2-8PSK-1920x1080 CCTV Africa SAT and daily broadcasts from Nairobi city in length from two to three hours / CCTV service provider Roman Dávid 10/19/2012 - 11:50
Ka Band Section FIRST HDTV feeds in KA band-1920x1080-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-Europe C footprint-21 465.75 MHz_Vpol.-DVB-S2-8PSK CCTV Africa SAT and daily broadcasts from Nairobi city in length from two to three hours / CCTV service provider Roman Dávid 10/19/2012 - 11:50
Ka Band Section FIRST HDTV feeds in KA band-1920x1080-Eutelsat 7A-W3A at 7.0 e-Europe C footprint-beam-21 465.75 MHz_Vpol. HDTV-DVB-S2-8PSK CCTV Africa Nairobi Kenya Roman Dávid 10/19/2012 - 11:19
Hottest News 15.10.2012-Novinky v rubrike ABOUT US predstavujú aktivity autora Think-Tanku Romana Dávida a jeho Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club ... Roman Dávid 10/15/2012 - 19:58
Ka Band Section Satellite Feed in KA band-Eutelsat 7A-W3A at 7.0 e-Europe C footprint-beam-coverage - 21 601.9 MHz-V.pol _ TV ZIMBO LIVE Angola Roman Dávid 10/14/2012 - 17:29
Page KA band satellite reception : TV Test Cards and Info cards Roman Dávid 10/14/2012 - 12:59
Page eutelsat-7a-w3a-7-east-ka-band-satellite-reception-footprint-analysis-ka-band-lnb-ka-band-satellite-list-ka-band-frequencies- Roman Dávid 10/14/2012 - 12:14