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Feeds Intelsat 905 at 24.5°W - Global footprint : feeds_ 4165 R Channels TV DSNG 1 Nigeria Roman Dávid. 03/11/2010 - 15:42
Hottest News 11.3.2010 - NEWS IN BOX Test Cards - Interesting test card from the Nigerian broadcaster Channels TV, which I identified in the global footprint of the satellite Intelsat 905 at 24.5°W in C band ... Roman Dávid. 03/11/2010 - 15:32
Hottest News 10.3.2010 - Aktuálne zmeny v paketoch CNN-TURNER , GlobeCast ... ktoré sú sústredené do východohemisferickej zóny družice NSS 7 na 22.0°W v C pásme: v aktuálnom update analyzujem arabský paket na f=4 179 R _ ÚVOD : 4 179 R Abu Dhabi Roman Dávid. 03/10/2010 - 16:16
Hottest News 10.3.2010 - New video samples of satellite NSS 7 at 22.0 ° W in the C band : CNN International Europe , CNN feed , Al Jazeera , Oman TV... Roman Dávid. 03/10/2010 - 16:05
Video Section NSS 7 at 22.0°W - East hemi & Global footprint : Videos _ CNN International Europe , CNN feed , Al Jazeera , Oman TV ... Roman Dávid. 03/10/2010 - 16:02
Sat List Update 10.3.2010 - Recent changes in the TV packets CNN-Turner, GlobeCast ... who are part of the East hemispherical footprint of satellite NSS 7 at 22.0°W in C band : 4 179 R-spectral analysis + footprint ....FIRST : 4 179 R Syria TV Roman Dávid. 03/10/2010 - 15:56
Hottest News 9.3.2010 - PREMIÉRA : V hemisferickej stope satelitu Intelsat 907 na 27.5°W v C pásme som identifikoval dve siete vo formáte DVB-S2 a ďalej detailne analyzujem spektrum a kvalitu vysielania rádia Slobodná Európa Praha a RTP _ ÚVOD : 3 841 R Packet RTP Roman Dávid. 03/09/2010 - 11:52
Hottest News 9.3.2010 - New video samples of the Intelsat 907 satellite at 27.5°W in C band : NTA Nigeria , RTP Int , Voice Of America , Radio Free Europe Prague.... Roman Dávid. 03/09/2010 - 11:38
Video Section Intelsat 907 at 27.5°W - East hemi & Global footprint : videos _ NTA Nigeria , RTP Int , Voice Of America , Radio Free Europe Prague ... Roman Dávid. 03/09/2010 - 11:28
Sat List Update 9.3.2010 - PREMIERE - In the range of vector R of Intelsat 907 satellites at 27.5°W I identified two networks in the format of DVB-S2 : in spectrum analysis I define quality of reception for packets RTP+RFE Prague_ FIRST:3 851 L DVB-S2 UNIRE-SNAI SAT Roman Dávid. 03/09/2010 - 11:22
Hottest News 8.3.2010 - PREMIÉRA:Deň s vysielaním z Českej republiky cez družicu Intelsat 907 na 27.5°W v globálnej stope C pásma: Multijazykový paket rozhlasových staníc Slobodná Európa vysielaných z Prahy zmenil nosnú frekvenciu a výrazne navýšil hladinu EIRP toku + Roman Dávid. 03/08/2010 - 18:53
Sat List Update 8.3.2010_PREMIERE : Packet Radio Free Europe, which broadcasts from Prague via the Intelsat 907 satellite at 27.5°W in the C band, changing the carrier frequency and quality of reception has increased by 4 dB_followed by measurement results and analysis + Roman Dávid. 03/08/2010 - 18:49
Hottest News 8.3.2010 - News in Box FEEDS - Italian periodically activated channel feeds in a format DVB-S2 via Intelsat 907 satellite at 27.5°W in C band : 3 851 L DVB-S2/QPSK UNIRE-SNAI-SAT-2 +++ Roman Dávid. 03/08/2010 - 18:44
Feeds Intelsat 907 at 27.5°W - North East zone footprint : feeds_ 3 851 L DVB-S2/QPSK UNIRE-SNAI-SAT-2 Roman Dávid. 03/08/2010 - 18:43
Hottest News 8.3.2010 - News in Box Test Cards - I have identified the active channel feeds from the satellite broadcaster RTP via Intelsat 907 satellite at 27.5°W in C band : 3 830 R RTP CNCT Lisboa +++ Roman Dávid. 03/08/2010 - 18:30
Hottest News 5.3.2010 - Posledné zmeny a aktuálne výsledky meraní na ruskom pakete RSCC,ktorý vysiela v C pásme pre trh USA cez družicu Express AM44 na 11.0°W : 3 663 R - nová analýza spektra a diagram footprint_ÚVOD : 3 663 R 1TV Russia USA Roman Dávid. 03/05/2010 - 14:58
Sat List Update 5.3.2010 - Recent changes and current measurement results on the RSCC packet, which broadcasts in the C band for U.S. market from satellite Express AM44 at 11.0° W : 3 663 R-new spectral analysis and footprint_FIRST : 3 663 R 1TV Russia USA Roman Dávid. 03/05/2010 - 14:51
Hottest News 4.3.2010 - Posledné novinky afrických provajderov AIT Nigéria+Canal 3 Benin z družice Intelsat 901 na 18.0°W v globálnej stope C pásma a aktuálne detailne analyzujem technické problémy na prenosovej trase západoafrického provajdera GRTS Gambia .... Roman Dávid. 03/04/2010 - 15:55
Hottest News 4.3.2010 - Video presentation of channels from the African broadcaster AIT Nigeria and ... : AIT International USA , AIT International UK , Canal 3 Benin ... Roman Dávid. 03/04/2010 - 15:45
Video Section Intelsat 901 at 18.0°W - Global & East Hemi footprint : videos _ AIT International USA , AIT International UK , Canal 3 Benin ... Roman Dávid. 03/04/2010 - 15:41
Sat List Update 4.3.2010 - Latest news from the Intelsat 901 satellite at 18.0°W in C band,and a description of the technical problems of transmission route of the West African broadcaster GRTS Gambia : 4 140 L new spectral analysis ....: FIRST 3 799 R AIT INT UK Roman Dávid. 03/04/2010 - 15:31
Hottest News 3.3.2010 - Družica Apstar 2R na 76.5°E - C pásmo _ posledné novinky a aktualizované výsledky meraní paketov vysielaných do oblasti južnej Ázie a Austrálie,ktoré sú cez globálnu stopu pásma C dostupné aj v európskom meradle príjmu... : ÚVOD : 4 173 H Rtv Roman Dávid. 03/03/2010 - 15:34
Sat List Update 3.3.2010 - Apstar 2R at 76.5°E - C band_latest news and updated results of measurements on packets that are transmitted into Australia and South Asia through a global footprint : 3 840 H-RRSAt Global with a new spectral analysis ....:FIRST : 4 173 H nTV Roman Dávid. 03/03/2010 - 15:23
Hottest News 2.3.2010 - PREMIÉRA - Indické satelity Insat 3A/4B na 93.5°E- C pásmo : na príklade dvoch nosných definujem v konštelačnom diagrame mod.QPSK rozdielnu hladinu EIRP tokov zo satelitov 3A a 4B v mieste meraní Lučenec s MER=16+dB_ÚVOD: 3 925 H DD News India Roman Dávid. 03/02/2010 - 15:54
Hottest News 2.3.2010 - VIDEO sequences of the attractive Indian channels on satellite Insat 3A/4B at 93.5°E in C band : Isai Aruvi , Kalaignar Sirippoli , MPEG-4 Sakshi TV , DD Urdu , Kiran TV-SUN Network , DD Sahyadri ..... Roman Dávid. 03/02/2010 - 15:34