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Hottest News 22.2.2010 - New video samples of predominantly African channels on Eutelsat W2A satellite at 10.0°E in C band : Trace TV , Setanta Africa , Africa 24... Roman Dávid. 02/22/2010 - 14:40
Video Section Eutelsat W2A at 10.0°E - global footprint in C band : videos_ Trace TV , Setanta Africa , Africa 24 ... Roman Dávid. 02/22/2010 - 14:36
Hottest News 22.2.2010 - Nekódované vysielanie množstva platených kanálov prevažne z Francúzska v norme DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4 si stále môžete naladiť na družici Eutelsat W2A na 10.0°E v pásme C : 3 927 R Packet STN _ nasledujú aktuálne výsledky meraní ... Roman Dávid. 02/22/2010 - 14:31
Sat List Update 22.2.2010 - Non-encrypted pay channels broadcasting mainly from France in standard DVB-S2/8PSK/MPEG-4 you can still tune from the satellite Eutelsat W2A at 10.0°E in C band : 3 927 R Packet STN _ followed by actual measurements.... Roman Dávid. 02/22/2010 - 14:26
Second Hand Koupím polarizér Hirschmann CSP 1210 C .... Roman Dávid. 02/21/2010 - 15:31
Second Hand Koupím anténu Kathrein CAS 23 o průměru 220 cm ... Roman Dávid. 02/20/2010 - 18:23
Hottest News 20.2.2010 - ČLENOVIA_SATCON AFRICA Libreville Gabon : prezentácia vedenia káblového a satelitného operátora Satcon Africa,ktorý pôsobí v hlavnom meste Libreville štátu Gabon v centrálnej Afrike ... Roman Dávid. 02/20/2010 - 17:47
Sat List Update 20.2.2010 - NEWS IN BOX MEMBERS _ SATCON Africa Libreville-Gabon : Presentation of the company's management satellite operator Satcon Africa in the state of Gabon in Central Africa .... Roman Dávid. 02/20/2010 - 17:42
Hottest News 19.2.2010 - PREMIÉRA / Družica ABS 1 na 75.0°E - stopa B v pásme C : 3 560 V - Nekódovaný paket provajdera CABLE THAI HOLDING Thajsko s analýzou spektra a kvality_3 456 V - zmena nosnej frekvencie provajdera Satlink atď. : ÚVOD : T SPORT Thajsko Roman Dávid. 02/19/2010 - 14:50
Hottest News 19.2.2010 - Video preview of the Thai broadcasting via satellite ABS 1 at 75.0°E : Real Metro , M Channel , Movie HIT , Outdoor Channel , You 2 Play ... Roman Dávid. 02/19/2010 - 14:37
Video Section ABS 1 at 75.0°E - footprint B in C band :videos_ T-Sports , Real Metro , M Channel , Movie HIT , Outdoor Channel , You 2 Play .... Roman Dávid. 02/19/2010 - 14:29
Sat List Update 19.2.2010-PREMIERE / ABS 1 at 75.0°E - footprint B in C band : 3 560 V-New packet from a broadcaster CABLE THAI HOLDING Thailand with quality and spectrum analysis_3 456 V-Satlink provider with new carrier -f- and other changes _ FIRST : T Sports Thailand Roman Dávid. 02/19/2010 - 14:13
Hottest News 18.2.2010 - Aktualizovaný stav na čínskom satelite ChinaStar 1 na 87.5°E s vysielaním z južnej Ázie v pásme C dostupné aj v európskom meradle_ÚVOD : 3 735 H Myawady TV Myanmar Roman Dávid. 02/18/2010 - 16:21
Hottest News 18.2.2010 - News in box Test Cards / ABS 1 at 75.0°E - footprint B in C band : 3 560 V CTH CABLE THAI HOLDING Plc Roman Dávid. 02/18/2010 - 16:11
Sat List Update 18.2.2010 - ChinaStar 1 satellite at 87.5°E and the current status in the frequency range H+V with broadcasts from South Asia in C band_ FIRST : 3 735 H Myawady TV Myanmar Roman Dávid. 02/18/2010 - 16:05
Hottest News 17.2.2010 - Posledné novinky z pan-atlantickej stopy satelitu Atlantic Bird 3 na 5.0°W v pásme C s aktualizovanými výsledkami meraní po výrazných zmenách v akosti príjmu + skúsenosti s príjmom vysielania tv Rede Mundial z Brazílie atď_ÚVOD:4 155 L ORTB Roman Dávid. 02/17/2010 - 18:42
Hottest News 17.2.2010 - Relative quality of earnings in the video presentation from the Atlantic Bird 3 satellite at 5.0°W in C band :DVB-S2 Rede Mundial , Télé Sahel , 2M Maroc , CRTV , Télé Africa Gabon , RTG 1 Gabon ... Roman Dávid. 02/17/2010 - 18:30
Sat List Update 17.2.2010 - Latest changes on Atlantic Bird 3 satellite at 5.0°W with significant changes in the quality of some income transfers in C band : 3 727 R spectral analysis & footprint & measurement results_ FIRST : 3 661 R 2M Monde Maroc Roman Dávid. 02/17/2010 - 18:21
Video Section Atlantic Bird 3 at 5.0°W - C band Panatlantic footprint : Videos _ DVB-S2 Rede Mundial , Télé Sahel , 2M Maroc , CRTV , Télé Africa Gabon , RTG 1 Gabon ..... Roman Dávid. 02/17/2010 - 18:07
Hottest News 17.2.2010 - PREMIÉRA : V ľavotočivom spektre L satelitu Atlantic Bird 3 na 5.0°W v pásme C som identifikoval nové vysielanie z južnej Ameriky od provajdera HBC Telecom vo formáte DVB-S2 : 4 112 L Rede Mundial Int. Brazília / výsledky meraní +++ Roman Dávid. 02/17/2010 - 17:47
Sat List Update 17.2.2010 - PREMIERE : In the frequency range L of satellite Atlantic Bird 3 at 5.0°W in C band, I identified a new transmission from Brazil in the format DVB-S2 : 4 112 L Rede Mundial Internacional_HBC TELECOM Brazil / spectrum analysis & measurement +++ Roman Dávid. 02/17/2010 - 17:37
Hottest News 16.2.2010 - PREMIÉRA: Družica Rascom 1 na 2.8°E a prvé merania na dvoch sieťach vo formáte DVB-S v kontinentálnej Africko-Európskej zóne príjmu v pásme C : 4 051 R-paket Congo Multiprogram s analýzou spektra a akosti _ÚVOD : 4 051 R RTG@ Roman Dávid. 02/16/2010 - 17:26
Hottest News 16.2.2010 - Satellite Rascom 1 at 2.8°E and video sequence of channels from Congo in central Africa : DCC Digital Congo , RTG@ ..... Roman Dávid. 02/16/2010 - 17:10
Sat List Update 16.2.2010 - PREMIERE : Rascom 1 satellite at 2.8°E and two new networks in the DVB-S standart in C band : 4 051 R packet Congo MultiProgram-spectral analysis & footprint & measurement result _ FIRST: 4 051 R RTG@ Congo Roman Dávid. 02/16/2010 - 17:03
Video Section Rascom QAF1R at 2.9°E - continental coverage in C band : videos _ RTG@ , DCC Digital Congo , RTNC tests Roman Dávid. 02/16/2010 - 16:29