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Sat List Update BIG HD PREMIERE-Mr.Roman Dávid and his Think-Tank defines : DD HD India-MPEG-4/HD_1920x1080-first uncoded HD broadcasts in the packet DD Direct + and an analysis of the reception of Insat 4B satellites at 93.5°E in Central Europe_section SAT DX News Roman Dávid. 09/24/2010 - 12:45
DX News clanky DD HD India_MPEG-4/HD : first uncoded HD broadcasts in the packet DD Direct + and an analysis of the reception of Insat 4B satellites at 93.5°E in Central Europe Roman Dávid. 09/22/2010 - 12:45
Hottest News 21.9.10-PREMIÉRA_Roman Dávid a jeho THINK-TANK definujú technické možnosti príjmu vysielania Iránskych paketov zo siete IRIB z diagramu Blízky východ družice Intelsat 902 na 62°E v KU pásme & témy : TP62-ziskový rast v rozsahu 2-4 dB pri FEC 2/3+aBER=0 .. Roman Dávid. 09/21/2010 - 12:52
Hottest News 21.9.2010-VIDEO PREMIERE _ Iranian broadcasts via Intelsat 902 satellite at 62.0°E through the Middle East footprint in KU band : Fars Tv , Azarbayjan TV , Isfahan TV , Khorasan TV , Kermanshah TV , Khozestan tv / IRIB network Iran Roman Dávid. 09/21/2010 - 12:42
Video Section Intelsat 902 at 62.0°E - Middle East beam in KU band : Fars Tv , Azarbayjan TV , Isfahan TV , Khorasan TV , Kermanshah TV , Khozestan tv / IRIB network Iran Roman Dávid. 09/21/2010 - 12:35
Sat List Update 21.9.10-PREMIERE_Mr.Roman Dávid and his THINK-TANK defines the technical aspects of Iranian packet reception from the Intelsat 902 at 62°E through the Middle East footprint & themes : TP 62-high gain growth in the range 2-4 dB at FEC 2/3+aBER=0 ... Roman Dávid. 09/21/2010 - 12:25
Hottest News 17.9.2010-PREMIÉRA _ BLÍZKOVÝCHODNÝ DIAGRAM satelitu NSS 6 na pozícii 95.0°E pri veľkosti elevačného uhla presne 1° a prvé merania na nosnej Kazakstan TV na f=11 140 V & detailná analýza kvalitatívneho stavu príjmu v stredoeurópskom meradle .... Roman Dávid. 09/17/2010 - 12:23
Hottest News 17.9.2010-NEWS IN BOX VIDEOS _ NSS 6 at 95.0°E - Middle East beam in KU band : 11 140 V Kazakstan TV Kokshetau Roman Dávid. 09/17/2010 - 12:15
Video Section NSS 6 at 95.0°E - Middle East beam in KU band : 11 140 V Kazakstan TV Kokshetau videos Roman Dávid. 09/17/2010 - 12:11
Sat List Update 17.9.2010_PREMIERE-MIDDLE EAST beam of the satellite NSS 6 at 95.0°E at the elevation angle of only 1° and the first results on measurements on the carrier Kazakstan TV & detailed analysis of reception in the Central European conditions ... Roman Dávid. 09/17/2010 - 12:03
Hottest News 16.9.2010-Aktualizujem výsledky meraní stredo-ázijskeho vysielania Kazakstan TV Aktau v ruskom diagrame satelitu Intelsat 702 z pozície 66.0°E v KU pásme v stredoeurópskych príjmových podmienkach : 11 488 V aktuálny analýza spektra a kvalitatívny stav ... Roman Dávid. 09/16/2010 - 15:55
Sat List Update 16.9.2010-Intelsat 702 satellite at 66.0°E and the current results of measurements on the carrier Kazakstan TV Aktau in the russian beam & today's topics : actual spectral analysiss of TP 74 + measurement results ... Roman Dávid. 09/16/2010 - 15:46
Hottest News 15.9.2010-V kombinovanom Európsko-Africkom diagrame satelitu Intelsat 10 na 68.5°E som dosiahol výnimočný akostný stav na paketoch Sentech & My TV : < 1 chybný bit / 1 000 000 pri FEC protokole 1/2 + QPSK konštelačný diagram Roman Dávid. 09/15/2010 - 10:58
Sat List Update 15.9.2010-In the combined Euro-African footprint of the satellite Intelsat 10 at 68.5°E I measured the levels of exceptional quality to a packet Sentech & My TV : <1 faulty bit / 1 000 000 in a milion of the FEC Protocol 1/2 + QPSK constellation diagram . Roman Dávid. 09/15/2010 - 10:50
Hottest News 14.9.2010-POSLEDNÉ zmeny a aktualizované merania na japonskom HDTV vysielaní NHK World 1080/60i v pakete KDDI v anglickom jazyku z družice Intelsat 10 na 68.5°E v globálnej stope C pásma,so stabilnou možnosťou príjmu aj v strednej Európe & ďalšie témy... Roman Dávid. 09/14/2010 - 16:34
Sat List Update 14.9.2010-Recent changes and updated results of the measurements from the satellite Intelsat 10 at 68.5°E-Global footprint in C band & and today's topics : NHK HD World 1080/60i - measurement of the Japanese FULL HD broadcasts + new spectral analysis.... Roman Dávid. 09/14/2010 - 16:26
Hottest News 9.9.2010-Ruský satelit Express AM1 na 40.0°E-C pásmo a aktualizované merania po výraznej redukcii a prechode lokálnych ruských prenosov na pozíciu satelitu MD1-80.0°E : 3 739 R Rossia RR Mayak-nový nekódovaný prenos a prvé výsledky meraní ... Roman Dávid. 09/09/2010 - 13:55
Sat List Update 9.9.2010-Satellite Express AM1 at 40.0°E-C band and updated measurement of the massive reduction in the number of channels and their transition to the position 80.0°E : 3 739 R-FTA Rossia RR Mayak / first measurements on the new transmission .... Roman Dávid. 09/09/2010 - 13:49
Hottest News 8.9.2010-Spolupracovník Think-Tanku dxsatcs p.A.Simao z čínskej provincie Macao uverejňuje výsledky meraní taiwanských prenosov C-Sky-Net+news feeds v ázijskom diagrame satelitu Apstar 2R na 76.5°E v KU pásme s offset 120x130 a receiverom Tandberg RX 1290 Roman Dávid. 09/08/2010 - 09:44
Sat List Update 8.9.2010-A. Simao-Macau S.A.R-Apstar 2R at 76.5°E-Asian beam in KU band : 12 405 V Packet C-Sky-Net & 12 426 H News feed from Taiwan _ actual measurement results in North East Asia with the offset antenna Jonsa 120x132 cm + Receiver Tandberg RX 1290 + R&S Roman Dávid. 09/08/2010 - 09:31
DX Forum A. Simao-Macau S.A.R-Apstar 2R at 76.5°E-Asian beam in KU band : 12 405 V Packet C-Sky-Net & 12 426 H News feed from Taiwan _ actual measurement results in North East Asia with the offset antenna Jonsa 120x132 cm + Receiver Tandberg RX 1290 + R & S ETL Roman Dávid. 09/08/2010 - 09:24
Hottest News 7.9.2010-Ruský satelit Yamal 202 na 49.0°E a 2 nové prenosy v spektre TP 3A/4A vysielané v globálnom zväzku C pásma : 3 646 L GTRK Vologda + 3 713 L DVB-S data a prvé výsledky meraní na pakete Gazprom na 3 744 L Roman Dávid. 09/07/2010 - 14:54
Sat List Update 7.9.2010-Yamal 202 satellite at 49.0°E and two new transmissions via transponders TP 3A/4A through a global beam in C band : 3 646 L GTRK Vologda + 3 713 L DVB-S data and the first results of measurements and analysis of packet Gazprom at 3 744 L ... Roman Dávid. 09/07/2010 - 14:49
Hottest News 6.9.2010-PRVÉ VÝSLEDKY meraní na nových prenosoch z južnej Ázie cez družicu Apstar 2R na 76.5°E v globálnej stope C pásma : MPEG-4/FTA NBEX Mountain TV s SR=1.482 MSymb/sec , ATN News , Mahona TV .... Roman Dávid. 09/06/2010 - 15:17
Sat List Update 6.9.2010-FIRST results of measurements on new transmissions from South Asia by satellite Apstar 2R at 76.5°E - global beam in C band : MPEG-4/FTA NBEX Mountain TV , ATN News , Mahona TV and other 23 results .... Roman Dávid. 09/06/2010 - 15:10