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Hottest News 3.9.10-SAT DX PREMIÉRA_PAKET RELIANCE BIG TV India a aktuálny stav nekódovaného príjmu v kompresii MPEG-4 z juho-ázijského diagramu KU pásma z družice Measat 3 na 91.5°E v stredo-európskej zóne : 12 515-12 684-12 724 MHz spektrálna analýza H vektora .... Roman Dávid. 09/03/2010 - 15:20
Sat List Update 3.9.10-SAT DX PREMIERE_RELIANCE BIG TV mpeg-4/fta on Measat 3 at 91.5°E in South Asian footprint & current status of the quality of reception and changes in the packet Big Tv in Central Europe : 12 515-12 684-12 724 MHz spectral analysis of the H vector.. Roman Dávid. 09/03/2010 - 15:08
DX News clanky RELIANCE BIG TV on Measat 3 at 91.5°E in South Asian footprint & current status of the quality of reception and changes in the packet Big Tv in Central Europe : 12 515-12 684-12 724 MHz spectral analysis of the H wave vector and measured reception quality Roman Dávid. 09/03/2010 - 14:54
Hottest News SAT DX PREMIÉRA-Roman Dávid a jeho Think-Tank uverejňuje PRVÉ VÝSLEDKY meraní paketu SUN Direct z družice Measat 3 na 91.5°E v stredoeurópskej zóne príjmu KU pásma:identifikácia družice cez ULPC Beacon kmitočet na f=12 201 H,MPEG-2/FTA Sun promo ... Roman Dávid. 09/01/2010 - 12:08
Sat List Update 1.9.2010-SAT DX PREMIERE-SUN DIRECT DTH on Measat 3 at 91.5°E & the first results of measurements in the Central European scale: satellite identification using ULPC BEACON at f=12 201 H,12 317+12 437 spectral analysis of packet SUN,12 317 H FTA SUN Direct Roman Dávid. 09/01/2010 - 11:53
DX News clanky SUN DIRECT DTH on Measat 3 at 91.5°E & the first results of measurements in the Central European scale: satellite identification using ULPC BEACON at f=12 201 V+H , 12 317+12 437 H spectral analysis of packet SUN , 12 317 H MPEG-2/FTA SUN Direct promo ... Roman Dávid. 09/01/2010 - 11:45
Hottest News 31.8.2010-SAT DX Fórum-Spolupracovník Think-Tanku dxsatcs Mr. A.Simao z provincie Macao v juhovýchodnej Ázii prezentuje aktuálne výsledky meraní paketu ABS netw. v južnom zväzku družice ABS 1 na 75.0°E s offset anténou Jonsa 120x132 cm+PLL Norsat 1509 HB Roman Dávid. 08/31/2010 - 12:58
Sat List Update 31.8.2010-SAT DX Forum-A. Simao-Macau S.A.R-ABS 1 at 75.0°E-southern beam : 12 579 H Packet ABS_actual measurement results in North East Asia with the offset antenna Jonsa 120x132 cm + LNB Norsat PLL 1509 HB and the analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL Roman Dávid. 08/31/2010 - 12:50
DX Forum A. Simao-Macau S.A.R-ABS 1 at 75.0°E-southern beam : 12 579 H Packet ABS_actual measurement results in North East Asia with the offset antenna Jonsa 120x132 cm + LNB Norsat PLL 1509 HB and the analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL Roman Dávid. 08/30/2010 - 18:38
Hottest News 30.8.2010-PRVÉ výsledky meraní paketu ETV Ethiopia-3 662 L v diagrame západná hemisféra a feeds prenosu Beirut Video Return-4 080 L v kompresii MPEG-4 cez družicu NSS 12 na 57.0°E v C pásme + aktualizované analýzy spektier vektorov L a R Roman Dávid. 08/30/2010 - 13:36
Sat List Update 30.8.2010-FIRST results of measurements of packet ETV-3 662 L in the Western Hemisphere and the occasional transmission feeds BEIRUT_Video return-4 080 L in the Global footprint via satellite NSS 12 at 57.0°E in the C band + and current spectrum analysis Roman Dávid. 08/30/2010 - 13:28
Hottest News 26.8.2010-NOVINKY v diagrame západená hemisféra satelitu Intelsat 906 z pozície 64.2°E v C pásme : 3 764 R British Telecom BT5-Al Alamia test/feeds & prvé výsledky meraní kvality príjmu v stredoeurópskom meradle s PF 3.7 m Roman Dávid. 08/26/2010 - 13:54
Sat List Update 26.8.2010-NEWS in the diagram of the western hemisphere from the Intelsat 906 satellite position 64.2°E in C band : 3 764 R British Telecom BT5-Al Alamia test/feeds & first results of quality measurement in the Central European region ... Roman Dávid. 08/26/2010 - 13:46
Hottest News 26.8.2010-NEWS IN BOX FEEDS-Intelsat 906 at 64.2°E-west hemi beam-C band : I identified the Arab channel broadcast test > Al-Alamia at f=3 764 R_ check the relative quality of reception Roman Dávid. 08/26/2010 - 13:34
Feeds Intelsat 906 at 64.2°E - West hemi footprint : 3 764 R Al-Alamia tests Roman Dávid. 08/26/2010 - 13:28
Video Section C band _ Intelsat 906 at 64.2°E - West hemi footprint : videos _ Al-Alamia tests Roman Dávid. 08/26/2010 - 13:20
Second Hand Kúpim kombinovaný C/KU konvertor ... Roman Dávid. 08/26/2010 - 11:49
Second Hand I want to buy an prime focus antenna 2.4m - 4m .... Roman Dávid. 08/25/2010 - 19:37
Hottest News 24.8.2010-INDICKÉ SATELITY Insat 2E/4A na 83.0°E v C pásme a aktualizovaný stav príjmu z Ázijskej,ECC a širokej stopy v stredoeurópskom meradle mesta Lučenec s obsiahlym sumárom naj-aktuálnejších výsledkov meraní a analýz .... Roman Dávid. 08/24/2010 - 12:57
Sat List Update 24.8.2010 - INSAT 2E/4A satellites at 83.0°E _C band_ and the current status of reception in the Asian,ECC and Wide footprint in central Europe and updated results of the measurements for the next 13 packets like TATA,Essel Shyam,RAj,Asianet,Indiasigh... Roman Dávid. 08/24/2010 - 12:49
Hottest News 22.8.2010-PAKET AIRTEL INDIA z družice Insat 4CR na 74.0°E-indický zväzok KU pásma a aktualizovaný signálny stav v stredoeurópskom meradle + DRUŽICA Edusat na 74.0°E a archivované výsledky prvého príjmu Think-Tank centra dxsatcs Roman Dávid. 08/22/2010 - 14:44
Sat List Update 22.8.2010-PACKET AIRTEL INDIA from the satellite Insat 4CR at 74.0°E-Indian footprint in the KU band & updated state revenue in Central Europe + SATELLITE Edusat at 74.0°E-national beam coverage & archived results from the first reception Roman Dávid. 08/22/2010 - 14:36
Page Insat 4CR & Edusat at 74.0°E Roman Dávid. 08/22/2010 - 14:25
Hottest News 20.8.2010-PREMIÉRA/Družica ABS 1 na 75.0°E-južný a severný diagram KU pásma & dnešné témy : južný diagram_prvé výsledky meraní nosných DAN Tamil a TV Lanka+paket ABS s kompletnou analýzou transpondérov TP 10/11/12S a 6 aktualizovaných výsledkov meraní ... Roman Dávid. 08/20/2010 - 12:49
Hottest News 20.8.2010-VIDEO SECTION/ABS 1 at 75.0°E-southern beam in KU band : TBN Asia-South Pacific , Dan Tamil ... Roman Dávid. 08/20/2010 - 12:41