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Sat List Update EXCLUSIVE HD & 3D PREMIERE-Mr. Roman Dávid and his Think-Tank defines:FASHION one-America's first HD channel in a 3D format broadcast from Hong Kong to satellite Measat 3 at 91.5°E and the first results of measurements of C bands in Central Europe-SAT DX Roman Dávid. 10/18/2010 - 11:32
DX News clanky FASHION one channel - FULL HD & 3D:America's first HD channel in a 3D format broadcast from Hong Kong to satellite Measat 3 at 91.5°E and the first measurement results of reception in the C band in the Central European zone_SAT DX Roman Dávid. 10/17/2010 - 13:51
Hottest News 14.10.10-PREMIÉRA-SIBÍRSKY DIAGRAM družice Bonum 1 na 56.0°E v KU pásme a pakety NTV+Vostok a TRICOLOR TV Sibir v cirkulárnej polarizácii+témy : polarizačná účinnosť reflektora,nový paket provajdera Tricolor v spektre vektora L / Think-Tank Roman Dávid. 10/14/2010 - 13:47
Sat List Update 14.10.10-PREMIERE-SIBERIAN beam of satellites Bonum 1 at 56.0°E in KU band and packets NTV+ Vostok+TRICOLOR TV Sibir in the circular polarization + themes: polarization efficiency of the reflector,new packet from the Tricolor TV in the range of vector L Roman Dávid. 10/14/2010 - 13:34
Hottest News 12.10.10-PREMIÉRA: VÝCHODO-AFRICKÝ DIAGRAM smerovaný do oblasti štátov Uganda a Keňa a prvé uzamknutie a analýza spektra Keňského paketu na f=11 026 H z družice NSS 12 na 57.0°E v KU pásme & vysoké ziskové hladiny s bBER=<10-6 v diagrame Blízky východ... Roman Dávid. 10/12/2010 - 12:51
Hottest News 12.10.10-LIVE VIDEO broadcasts from the Kenyan city of Mombasa on the coast of the Indian Ocean through the Middle East diagram of the satellite NSS 12 at 57.0°E ... Roman Dávid. 10/12/2010 - 12:42
Video Section NSS 12 at 57.0°E-middle east & europe coverage : 11 465 H feeds KTN SNG01 , Ericsson service , Kenya TV .... Roman Dávid. 10/12/2010 - 12:37
Sat List Update 12.10.10-PREMIERE: EAST AFRICAN BEAM directed to areas of Uganda and Kenya and the first lock and analysis of the Kenyan packet to f=11 026 H of the NSS 12 at 57.0° E & and high gain levels -bBER=<10-6- in the Middle East diagram.... Roman Dávid. 10/12/2010 - 12:33
Hottest News 11.10.2010-NOVINKY V RUBRIKE FEEDS : Živé prenosy z Keňského pobrežia Indického oceánu vo východnej Afrike cez blízkovýchodný diagram družice NSS 12 na 57.0°E v KU pásme pod rôznymi NIT ID ako napr. KTN SNG01 , Ericsson service , Kenya TV od Roman Dávid. 10/11/2010 - 18:06
Sat List Update 11.10.2010-NEWS IN SECTION FEEDS : Live broadcasts from Kenya's Indian Ocean shore across the Middle East beam of NSS 12 satellite at 57.0°E under different NIT names such as KTN SNG01 , Ericsson service , Kenya TV Roman Dávid. 10/11/2010 - 17:57
Feeds NSS 12 at 57.0°E-middle east & europe coverage : 11 465 H feeds KTN SNG01 , Ericsson service , Kenya TV .... Roman Dávid. 10/11/2010 - 17:55
Hottest News 8.10.2010 - RUSKÝ vyžarovací diagram satelitu Intelsat 904 na 60.0°E v pásme KU a ideálny akostný stav s bBER=<10-6 na nosných NIKA TV a Kuban-RTV+dnešné témy : analýza spektra a kvality TP 64 a aktuálne možnosti príjmu v stredoeurópskom meradle... Roman Dávid. 10/08/2010 - 12:47
Sat List Update 8.10.2010-RUSSIAN footprint of Intelsat 904 satellites at 60.0°E and ideal state of quality in bBER=<10-6 on transfers NIKA tv and Kuban-RTV+today's topics : spectral analysis of the full range of the TP 64 and status of reception in central Europe ... Roman Dávid. 10/08/2010 - 12:40
HDTV Insat 4B at 93.5°E-Wide beam in C band : 3 725 H DD HD in the packet Doordarshan India _ MPEG-4/HD/FTA/1920x1080 Roman Dávid. 10/07/2010 - 14:08
HDTV Insat 4B at 93.5°E-Indian beam in KU band : 10 990 V DD HD in the packet DD Direct + India _ MPEG-4/HD/FTA/1920x1080 Roman Dávid. 10/07/2010 - 14:04
Hottest News 6.10.2010-CONTINUING THEME IN A BIG HD PREMIERE : 3 725 H DD HD channel in the packet DD Doordarshan India from Insat 4B satellite at 93.5°E in C band & two new test and info cards Roman Dávid. 10/06/2010 - 15:19
Hottest News VEĽKÁ HD PREMIÉRA č.2-Roman Dávid a jeho Think-Tank definuje: DD HD ako prvé nekódované HD vysielanie v pakete DD Doordarshan India z družice Insat 4B na 93.5°E zachytené v C pásme v meste Lučenec s detailnou multimediálnou prezentáciou_SAT DX NEWS Roman Dávid. 10/05/2010 - 12:04
Sat List Update BIG HD PREMIERE No.2-Mr.Roman Dávid and his Think-Tank defines: DD HD channel in the packet DD Doordarshan India_1920x1080 : first uncoded HDTV broadcast in the C band of satellite Insat 4B - 93.5°E and results of measurements of the central European zone Roman Dávid. 10/05/2010 - 11:45
DX News clanky DD HD channel in the packet DD Doordarshan India_MPEG-4/HD/FTA_1920x1080 : first uncoded HDTV broadcast in the C band of satellite Insat 4B - 93.5°E and results of measurements of the central European zone Roman Dávid. 10/03/2010 - 12:12
Hottest News 29.9.10-THAJSKÝ SATELIT Thaicom 5 na pozícii 78.5°E a prvé novinky po veľkých zmenách v Ázijskom diagrame C pásma & dnešné témy: identifikoval som rušenie v spektre TP 2VS>6VS+2.nové analýzy spektra a 22 výsledkov meraní z ázijskej a globálnej stopy atď Roman Dávid. 09/29/2010 - 13:27
Hottest News 29.9.10-THAICOM 5 satellite VIDEO SECTION & 12 new video samples from Thailand, Nepal, Laos : Spring news , TV5 , ROSE 40-50 channel , ATV , P5TV , MV News , ETC , RU-TV1 , Avenues TV , LNTV 3 , News 24 , Terai tv Roman Dávid. 09/29/2010 - 13:15
Video Section Thaicom 5 at 78.5°E-regional beam in C band : Spring news , TV5 , ROSE 40-50 channel , ATV , P5TV , MV News , ETC , RU-TV1 , Avenues TV , LNTV 3 , News 24 , Terai tv Roman Dávid. 09/29/2010 - 13:04
Sat List Update 29.9.10-Thailand's Thaicom 5 satellite at 78.5°E and first update after major changes in the Asian beam & today's topic: significant interference in the range of TP 2VS>6VS,two new analysis,22 results of measurements of the Asian and global footprint etc. Roman Dávid. 09/29/2010 - 12:48
Page Thaicom 5 at 78.5°E Roman Dávid. 09/29/2010 - 12:37
Hottest News VEĽKÁ HD PREMIÉRA-Roman Dávid a jeho Think-Tank definuje:DD HD India-prvé nekódované HD vysielanie v pakete DD Direct+ vysielané z Indie cez satelit Insat 4B na 93.5°E v KU pásme zachytené v meradle stredná Európa/Lučenec-MPEG-4/HD-1920X1080_SAT DX News Roman Dávid. 09/24/2010 - 12:56