ABS-S Receiver
ABS-S Advanced Broadcasting System-Satellite / ABS-S Receiver Coship N6188 , TVWalker ABS2008
Chinasat 9 at 92.2°E - asian footprint : ABS-S receiver COSHIP N6188
--- ABS-S receiver Coship N6188 ---
- Licensed receiver for receiving the standard ABS-S of satellite ChinaSat 9 at 92.2°E.Receiver has very limited handling
capabilities and a user is not allowed to change anything just tune the default frequencies.You can not change the
frequency, symbol rate, polarity, frequency local oscillator is a fixed defined only for one value of 10 750 MHz.All official
receivers are centrally controlled and programmed through the OTA,similar to the pay-TV packets.Threshold limit for
detection of carriers are identical for all ABS-S receivers.
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--- ABS-S receiver : Coship N6188 receiver menu ---
Chinasat 9 at 92.2°E - KU footprint : ABS-S receiver TVWalker ABS2008
basic description : ABS-S satellite receiver is suitable for Chinese-speaking countries. It is fully complied with DVB/MPEG-II
standard and specially applied for the China satellite broadcast system. 46 free programs are transmitted.ABS-S is ChinaStar 9
satellite signal transmission technology and owns its independent knowledge property right. It can be used for digital
TV & Broadcasting signals and other services.
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Chinasat 9 at 92.2°E - KU footprint : ABS-S receiver menu
booting receiver main menu list of tv stations
CCTV-2 EPG menu CCTV EPG menu list of radio stations
listening to the radio selection of audio pids no signal messages
setup menu password in the installation menu a software version
actual quality of the carrier 11 880 L scanning in progress all 46 tv stations were found
international professional portal
Roman Dávid - author & founder
mail : roman.david@dxsatcs.com